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The Universal and Enduring Legacy of Geometric Patterns

Selcuk Artut / The Universal and Enduring Legacy of Geometric Patterns

Geometric patterns are one of the few elements that have survived so strongly in the vast fabric of human history. Deeply rooted in history, these intricate designs provide us with a glimpse into the mathematical brilliance, symbolic depth, and aesthetic sensibilities of ancient cultures. Whether the result of intuitive processes or a reflection of the natural order, these patterns have become ingrained in the fabric of human civilization.

They have held a prominent position in Islamic art since the 8th century, evolving into more complex and aesthetically refined works during the Age of Enlightenment. These patterns were not only used decoratively in the magnificent mosques, madrasahs, caravanserais, and mausoleums of the Ottoman Empire, but also served as a profound expression of the civilization’s intellectual and spiritual heritage.

These geometric designs were greatly influenced by the Seljuks of Anatolia, who ruled Anatolia from the eleventh to the thirteenth centuries. Skilled in a variety of fields, including astronomy, art, literature, history, and science, the scientists and craftsmen of this period created patterns that reflected their extensive interactions with the world.

The visual content was produced by developing geometric analyses on existing patterns based on traditional examples found in the Seljuk Architecture structures of the Anatolian region, namely Eşrefoğlu Mosque, Sırçalı Madrasa, Sahib-i Ata Mosque, Akşehir Ulu Mosque, Akşehir Şeyh Hacı İbrahim Veli Tomb, Alaaddin Ulu Mosque, Karatay Madrasa. The geometric analyses obtained were then converted into special software with creative coding methods. The motifs produced with the codes exhibit dynamic movements and colors.