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Motifs ad Infinitum: Remediations in Time

Selcuk Artut / Motifs ad Infinitum: Remediations in Time

In the grand tapestry of human history, geometric patterns have always held a profound significance, serving as a silent language that binds the fabric of mathematics with the rich use of cultural expression.

“Motifs ad infinitum” emerges from the dust of ages, inspired by the artist’s pilgrimage through landmarks of historical resonance. From the solemn tranquility of the Esrefoglu Mosque in Beysehir, to the soaring minarets of the Yovuz Sultan Selim Mosque in Istanbul, the journey continues across the fabled silk roads, to the hallowed Shah-i Zinda necropolis in Uzbekistan, and to the Moorish splendor of the Alhambra Palace, culminating amidst the ancient whispers of the Perge.

Each motif steeped in the annals of time is a cipher, unlocking the secrets of civilizations that once mapped the heavens into their architecture. These patterns are not mere ornamentation, but the mathematical heartbeat of cultures, echoing the fundamental truths of geometry, the circle, the triangle, and the square.

It is an intricate web connecting the ancient art of geometry to the pulsating media art of today, where the immutable laws of tessellations that once plotted the stars now chart the digital constellations.

text – Lalin Akalan, Selçuk Artut & AI