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Selcuk Artut / Conflict
Multi-Media Installation, 2024
According to the 2023 Uppsala Conflict Data Program, Natural Earth 2022-September 2023 report, armed conflicts occur within the borders of 59 countries worldwide, including inter-state, intra-state, extra-state, non-state-based or one-sided conflicts. One of the criteria of the report states that “an armed conflict is a disagreement between organized groups or between an organized group and civilians that results In at least 25 deaths per year. This includes the deaths of both combatants and civilians due to the conflict.
The artwork titled *Conflict” is constantly receiving Information from the data of this report, which is published on the Internet, and represents the impasse of discord we are in another arena of struggle, the world of chess. The artwork shows that the number of black pawns will increase when conflicts increase in the future, and the number of white pawns will increase when they decrease. Do you think the latter is more likely?