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Analog Pixels

Selcuk Artut / Analog Pixels

Artut uses the random as an element in Analog Pixels through the interaction between the shape of the object and data in his work. The four-pieced work of simple, abstract visuality, combined with the element of sound traces the boundaries of the viewer’s perception.
The mirrored surfaces of the objects, ranging in reference from Douglas Gordon to Doug Aitken to Dan Graham, remind the viewers of the reflection of the viewer to the viewer that has been employed in a range of works—architectural intervention to pop art. The simplicity of the mirrored surfaces, split by a few point-like objects, could enable us to just watch ourselves, but the element of sound interrupts this experience, disturbing our peaceful, abstract
experience. An abstract object, a sound installation, a design object all rolled into one, the four walls of the room expand the room of the
exhibition space to infinity, leaving the viewer in-between.