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Geomart-ut25: Seljuks Series

Selcuk Artut / Geomart-ut25: Seljuks Series

Geometric patterns are one of the few elements that remain strongly present in the vast fabric of human history. Deeply rooted in history, these unique designs give us a glimpse into the mathematical richness, symbolic depth and aesthetic sensibilities of ancient cultures. Whether the result of intuitive processes or a reflection of the natural order, these patterns are embedded in the fabric of human civilization.

The visuals you see in the work are the results of my detailed geometric analyses of patterns found in the Seljuk architecture of structures in the Anatolian region, such as Karatay Madrasa, Akşehir Great Mosque, Akşehir Sheikh Hacı İbrahim Veli Tomb, Eşrefoğlu Mosque, Sırçalı Madrasa, Sahib-i Ata Mosque, and Alaaddin Great Mosque. The results were later converted into computer codes to add the dynamism and the movement.

I would like to emphasize that the traditional abstractions achieved through the art of geometry serve as a source of inspiration for contemporary media art when contemplating the depths of history in the works titled Geomart-ut, which I have been actively pursuing for some time.